Try one of the best, quickest professional dog grooming tips for drying.


Try one of the best, quickest professional dog grooming tips for drying.

It’s simple, but it works! When you wrap wet pets in towels and let them rest like that for a while, you draw some moisture from their coats and make drying more efficient. This speeds your grooming process and helps regular drying become a little easier. Plus, it’s even more effective when the towel you’re using is The Absorber — the industry’s best and most efficient quick-dry solution.

Wrapping a wet dog follows the same basic idea as a woman who wraps her hair in a towel after a shower. Just as she can pull some of the moisture out of her soaking hair by wrapping it in a towel, so too can you begin to dry a dog’s coat with the same method. As a bonus, this is one of those dog grooming tips and tricks that helps you contain some of the mess. Rather than letting a dog shake and spray water all over your room or grooming studio, you’ll get to reduce how much liquid there is to spray and make grooming a smoother process.

When you’re looking for the best and most effective way to dry dogs after a bath, there’s nothing like The Absorber. Why? The Absorber is a unique towel, featuring a uniform, sponge-like texture. It soaks up water faster and better than bath or microfiber towels. It’s also soft and comfortable on your pet’s coat.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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