TOP hints and tips to tackle winter weather with your cat


Buy a Radiator Bed
Let’s face it cats love to snooze, on average a cat sleeps 15 hours a day*, which is why you might offer them multiple sleeping spots for their daily naps. 30% of surveyed cat customers found that during the winter, their cat will sleep more as part of their winter routine.

Provide an outdoor shelter
Not all cats want to be indoors all the time, you might find your cat needs their space or is willing to brave the cold to get their outdoor fix! When the weather is cold outside, providing a safe warm space away from the elements in a covered shelter like a garden shed, greenhouse or car port allows your pet to have time away outside if they choose.

Build a den indoors
Cats love nothing more than cardboard boxes, small spaces to explore and hiding underneath blankets. Building a DIY den out of old blankets, towels or bedding is a great way to keep your cat entertained when they are indoors but also gives them another warm, soft place to sleep in.

Make use of old towels
Don’t throw out old towels just yet, apart from making dens for your cat, they might come in handy should your pet get wet. It is well known that cats dislike water, so having something easy to grab to remove excess water and warm them up can be useful.

Keep an eye on their behaviour
Winter is the time anti-freeze becomes more commonly used in households and cats are drawn to its sweetness despite it being highly toxic. If ingested, it can lead to kidney failure or if left untreated, death. Keep an eye out for signs and symptoms such as vomiting, sleepiness, incoordination, difficulty breathing and seizures.

Have a mat by the cat flap
Cats are generally clean creatures, but they can sometimes bring their mess inside with them on their paws and fur. Having a mat by the door acts for a cat in the same way as for a human wiping their feet before entering the house.

Make use of any sunshine
If you have a window or a door that lets in natural light, you can make use of this well-lit area by setting up a bed or hammock. Cats not only love to be high up, but it gives them the opportunity to laze in the natural light or even sunshine, should it make an appearance.

Share body heat
Cats are drawn to sit in warm spots, this includes your lap! Not only do you get to share body heat and keep each other warm but it allows you to spend time together and bond.

Enjoy the extra cuddles
According to cat customers surveyed, 72% suggest that their cat is less energetic, more affectionate or more docile/calmer during the winter months.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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