There are many reasons your cat might be meowing.



We’ve shared a few reasons why your cat may be demonstrating this behaviour and the reasons why they could be chatting more than usual

Your cat is a vocal breed
Some breeds of cats are known for being vocal.

Possible illness
If your cat keeps meowing, they could be trying to tell you that they are not feeling well.

Serious issues such as kidney disease show symptoms like excessive meowing, but it could be something as simple as a cut paw.

If you’re concerned about your cat’s meowing, you should take your pet to your vets for a check-up. This can put your concerns to rest and give your cat treatment if necessary.

Your cat is lonely
If your cat is looking for some attention or is simply feeling lonely, they’ll tell you by becoming more vocal.

Your pet will try to initiate play or get you to stroke them by meowing a lot. If you want to stop your cat meowing, try ignoring them when they become loud. When your pet is quiet, reward them with some attention, but stop as soon as they start meowing again.

Your cat is stressed
Cats can also become more vocal when they’re experiencing some form of stress.

If something changes in their life – whether that’s moving to a new home or the introduction of a new pet – it can put stress on your pet which will manifest as a lot of meowing! Investigate the cause of the stress and talk to your vet for some advice on how to relax them.

A good place to start is by giving your pet some extra attention.

Your cat wants food
The most obvious reason for excessive meowing is that your cat is hungry! Some cats understand when it’s time to eat and so they’ll meow constantly until they are fed.

If it seems like this may be the reason for your cat’s vocal nature, try to avoid feeding them whilst they are making noise. Once they quieten down, give them a treat or their food. If you persevere, you can train your cat to stay quiet when its tea time!

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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