The Lost Ark team is diving into the creation of Voldis

Smilegate RPG has already said that they have three big chapters planned for Lost Ark. After two years operating in the West, Voldis is the current endgame continent, and a significant one. “Voldis is the continent born from the butterfly effects of many important events throughout Arkesia’s history.

Part of the reason behind going here is using the history and previously explored themes like light and darkness, creation and creators, cause and effect, and good and evil, was they wanted to tell a new story involving Zeherade, Mariu, the Guardians, and the Sage’s Tower.

Sage’s Tower was one that the team decided to design based on the theme that they wanted to explore, instead of practical design just to support gameplay. It is imposingly tall on purpose, to express Voldis’ identity and the Sages’ role.

The Ivory Tower of Knowledge also has an Abyssal dungeon under it. This is Lost Ark, and the Ivory Tower of Chaos presents Lazaram, sealed in the Sage’s Tower, summoning chaos and Chaos Guardians.

The endgame content is continuing to get updates, including the updated progression system and the new Elixir system. With all of the added systems and new ways to progress, they’ll also keep tweaking previous content to ease the repetitiveness and help make progression less rindy and more doable.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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