PlayStation 5 received an update this week that disabled players from using the Cronus Zen.



A popular macro device that allows console players to emulate using a controller with a mouse and keyboard or tweak their controllers in order to gain advantage in competitive multiplayer games.

The Cronus allows players to get increased aim assist, enable rapid fire mods, and even use macros to mitigate recoil.

Players who download the update will have their Cronus disconnected from the PlayStation 5.

Cronus published an update on their website letting its customers know that they’re aware of the update and are in the process of working on a fix. No timeline is being provided for the update, but the Cronus team are advising players not to download the optional update in the interim in order to avoid disabling their hardware.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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