How Can I Relax My Dog Before Grooming?


Calming down a stressed dog before taking him or her to the groomer is important. A dog’s anxiety can turn a grooming trip into a grueling trip, so taking extra time to unwind your dog is smart.

Give Your Dog a Special Treat

Yes, there is such a thing as anti-anxiety dog treats. These types of treats are made with natural ingredients to help calm your dog down. The best calming treats for dogs with anxiety are the ones suggested by your veterinarian.

Go For a Romp in the Yard

Many dogs feel relaxed after plenty of exercises. Allow your dog to run around your backyard or take them out for a stroll around the neighborhood before heading to the groomer.

Create a Calming Car Ride

A car ride can stress a dog out. If your dog gets anxious during car rides, give them one of their favorite toys and turn up some soothing music.

Give Them a Massage

Dogs love a good massage. Massages not only calm your dog down, but they also help your dog become more comfortable with being handled. Pet your fur baby, gently rub their paws, and knead behind their ears with a soft towel before bringing them to the groomer.

Find the Right Groomer

The right dog groomer makes a big difference. If you have a nervous dog on your hands, then you need to find a groomer well-versed in handling nervous dogs. Call around or ask your veterinarian for recommendations.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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