Helldivers 2: Automaton Fleet Returns, Shocking Literally No One



In a very not-so-shocking turn of events, the Automatons make a hectic return merely two days after being “defeated” in Helldivers 2.

Now, it isn’t much of a curveball, as many players assumed there was no way that this swarm of bugs and bots was going down so easily. Over the weekend, many players thought that they really had taken the fleet down, and pushed forces of Terminids back into their hidey holes for the final time.

In a recent tweet from the developers, it was revealed that as fans suspected, the Bot Force we initially defeated was not the majority of the enemy, and a massive fleet is assaulting Cyberstan and its surrounding planets. It’s now up to use once again to take them down and hold them back from completely destroying the world around us.

A lot of the fans of Helldivers 2 are actually stoked about the very anticipated return of the bots, as some make jokes that “Bots are back on the Menu.”

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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