Fractured Online’s Endgame Changer update is fast approaching


Fractured Online’s Endgame Changer update is fast approaching

Primal Energy is integral to the game’s lore, and will be able to harvest some from every monster you defeat. This represents is the essence of the god Elysium and is part of all the living beings in the universe.

There are four separate items with varying power levels: residue, dust, shards, and crystals. You can even convert each of these energy items into the next more powerful version in the magic shop. What you will get when you slay a monster depends on the difficulty and challenge rating of the creature. However, the most powerful form of Primal Energy are crystals and you can only get those from loot drops from bosses (known as Legends) or specific event drops.

True during the day, but at night, you can get Primal energy in the form of ghosts, and these will require a different strategy to engage and defeat.

These are out of combat consumables that have enduring bonuses and effects.You make them from extracts and Primal Energy, emphasizing how important to the overall gameplay experience Primal Energy will be.

Endgame Changer will be out on February 21st and a final preview will be coming soon.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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