Embers Adrift has begun 2024 with some recent additions


The Stormhaven Studios team has released a big roadmap for the game, and announced a new free trial is on the way.

The trial is set to include all of the content in the complete first zone, and the first dungeon, Central Veins. This means all of the features, including the new bulletin boards, grouping in the dungeon, the solo experience, questing, and more. The bulletin boards offer tasks that one can play through solo, so this will be a good jumping off point for the solo player who wants to give the game a try.

The immediate priorities are about more variety, including things you can complete solo, as well as other fun additions.

Epic Quests, and more around those. The introduction of these quests will come later when they add certain zones that the quests will tie into. Similarly, the Others, new skull tier bosses, and new monsters are also planned for new zone additions. Those zones include Dryfoot Forest, Forgotten Depths III, and Grizzled Peaks II if you want to speculate what might be coming.

Longer-term priorities are more or less the things they’ve been working on for a while or are in their very early stages. Some of these are a mail system, crafting improvements, more new zones, equipment categorization, and Alchemy III.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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