Embers Adrift: Considers Progression Curve Change?


Embers Adrift is working on a potential shift that could help improve the player experience, make grouping easier, and make the availability of content and something to do more consistent.

Over on the QA server, the team is testing a new progression system that will compress the journey from 1-50 to about 1-30, all while retaining stats and adjusting for a new progression curve.

In the QA forum post announcing this new progression curve, the team also answered questions on what this would be like and what their goals were in trying it out. As for those goals, they listed a number of things that could improve the Embers Adrift experience and make it easier to always find something to do, and to find others to do it with more easily too. This is in addition to recent additions to make the game more approachable for solo players.

*Expands content options for players
-Expands groupable player base
-Increases per-level benefits, giving each level more impact
-Reduces levels between skill upgrades and skill acquisitions.
– Reduces levels between equipment upgrades
-New characters will start with at least one additional skill
-Address gaps in progression where certain levels become harder to find on-level content
-Address gaps in crafting/gathering where certain levels become harder to find on-level content

Stormhaven also wants everyone to know this is not a stat squish, they’re testing out a system that would leave stats and calculations the same. What would be impacted is your level, and with the experience needed remaining the same, it will take longer to level through each level. Other things like gathering and crafting would be tweaked, and other systems adjusted to meet if this new system does ever make it to live.

If you have a character in Embers Adrift and would like to test out the new system, all characters were migrated to QA.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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