Black Desert Online Adds New Monster Zone



Black Desert Online’s latest update has some special events, balance changes, a new monster zone, and more improvements, including the Magnus Teleport, and better ocean navigation.

The improvements in the new patch start from early on, as there’s an improved Illezra tutorial after character creation. You’ll be able to fast forward or skip some of the tutorial cutscenes, which is especially useful if you’ve done this a number of times before, there are new guys for defense, evasion, and skill keys and some new and updated recordings for dialogue and presentation across some of the tutorial cutscenes.

Pearl Abyss has also continued improvements to the Great Ocean and the desert. If you are able to obtain a compass, you’ll be able to navigate more easily around both of these areas.

The use of a compass is also going to be useful in the newest monster zone, Dehkia’s Lantern – Aakman Temple and Hystria Ruins. They decided to add this new monster Zone to both of these locations in order to get treasure items and make them a little more accessible, even if there’s a lower chance. They are planning to continue expanding the Dehkia monsters zones to provide more options for the highest levels with the best gear.

The Magnus (Abyssal Well) Teleport also gets improvements, with the ability to use Abyssal Wells to teleport all over without having to visit the Magnus every time you want to travel. This will open after you complete all of the Magnus quests.

Ice fishing returns with the Secret of the Serene Spring ice fishing event now through February 7th. There’s also a change to participate in [Earth’s Week] Boss Blitz Rewards bearing the Earth Aura. See more on the events here.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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