The program includes a heatsink measuring 126 (W) x 104 (D) x 159 (H) mm. Weighing between 890g and 917g, depending on the model.
Before tackling the different versions, it’s worth noting that the radiator has a classic structure. It features four 6mm copper heat pipes mounted in direct contact with the CPU. Clearly, this is an entry-level product.
The finish is meticulous, with a top plate to conceal the heat pipe tips, and a choice of finishes: aluminum/copper color, all-black or all-white!
There are two push/pull P12s. Depending on the configuration, we’ll be dealing either with non-RGB fans or with lighting. In fact, they are faster with the lights (2000 rpm) than without (up to 1800 rpm).
Last but not least, we’d like to mention the very affordable prices, ranging from ~33 € to ~49 € depending on the model. Speaking of versions, available on Amazon.