After eight years, the original Dragon Quest Builders is finally coming to PC.



Originally released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in 2016, its never made its way to the PC platform until now. Its sequel, Dragon Quest Builders 2, found its way to the PC platform just a year after its original console release in 2018.

A Steam page for Dragon Quest Builders, along with its fast-approaching February 13, 2024 release date, appeared out of the blue recently.

Dragon Quest Builders is a Minecraft-esque sandbox spin-off of the long-running Dragon Quest RPG series by Square Enix. The PC version will feature upgraded crafting features as well as the Terra Incognita DLC that was first released in 2022 for the mobile version of the game. The DLC introduced free-build mode to the game, allowing players to build to their hearts content without worry of having to deal with enemies in your base. Think Minecraft’s Creative Mode.

There are other smaller additions, too. PC owners of the title can look forward to single mouse click controls, an undo button, the Big Bash feature added in DQB2, and more.

Those who own Dragon Quest Builders 2 can pick it up the original at a discounted price when it releases next month.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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