Adventure Quest 3D Shares New Tutorial Live



To ease the new player experience, Adventure Quest 3D is testing a new tutorial, as announced in a blog which players can help shape right now.

The biggest primary change will be removing the Void attack on Dragon Watch that happens as part of the tutorials, saying that according to data collected,“players weren’t too keen” on that part of the scenario.

“Taking place right after leaving Death’s Lair, you will enter a brand new map to learn more of the gameplay basics” the blog explains. “Encounter various NPCs who are more than happy to help a new hero learn how to build the skills they need to be successful before moving on to the city of Battleon.”

The playtest is already live and in-game; to access it, players can talk to Twilly in Battleon. Twillly also gives a feedback survey that Atrix Entertainment hopes players complete to help fine-tune the experience.

Adventure Quest 3D is also launching player housing and parkour, which is live in its Public Test Realm.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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