Why do cats stare at you?


While it may seem a little creepy, don’t panic, your cat hasn’t been possessed. In fact, the reason your cat stares at you is often simple and this type of behaviour is very common. Here are the main reasons why.

Starting to get hungry
Feel like you’re being watched? One of the most obvious reasons why your cat might stare at you is because they’re ready for food. If they have that longing look in their eyes and it’s close to their normal feeding time, it’s likely they’re trying to convince you to fill up their food bowl.

Showing you affection
Interestingly, if your cat’s staring gaze is more like long, slow blinks, then it’s likely they’re showing you affection. This can also be known as “eye kisses”, due to their half-closed eyelids and cute facial expressions.

Feeling relaxed and calm
Another friendly reason for a staring kitty is that they actually feel nice and relaxed. If you’ve got a cool cat that’s super chilled out, then you may notice it appears to stare more than some of its other feline friends.

Starting to get annoyed
If your cat is staring because they’re annoyed, then you’re likely to notice other body language movements that suggest this is the trigger. If they look stiff and rigid, have a puffed-up body, or are vigorously swishing their tail side-to-side, then this is usually them trying to tell you that they feel threatened.

Feeling frightened
If you notice your cat’s tail is tucked underneath them and they’re crouching down, it’s usually because they feel frightened. Especially if you find them hiding somewhere, like under the dining room table or a bush outside.

Staring without blinking
If your cat is staring at you without blinking, then fear not, as there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.

Cats have something called a nictitating membrane, which allows them to blink without closing their eyelids. Common among desert creatures, the nictitating membrane helps clear the eye of any dirt without hindering an animal’s vision.

This is why a cat’s stare can often feel more intense and another reason why you may think your feline friend always seems to be staring at you.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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