Tower of Fantasy is getting ready to launch 3.6


“Beyond Horizons” the update details are out. Expect new story, new bosses, giveaways, new maps, and Plotti and her weapon, EP-7000 Skyfire.

The update will go live add the next chapter of the main story, Domain 9: Impending Storm. The new zone of Aquaville will also open up, and this is the final new part of Domain 9 to be added. A showdown (and a heavy storm) is on the way, a new era is coming and you will of course be right in the middle of all of it.

The update will also add a number of new creatures, including two new world bosses, two story bosses that have something to do with that big storm, and even more new creatures to discover. There are new Frontier Clash and Void Abyss seasons, floor 55 opens in bygone Phantasm Boundless Realm, and Aurawolf, a new smart servant, also joins. You can see full details in the update notes at Tower of Fantasy.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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