Tips For Leaving Your Puppy Home Alone


#1. Choose the Right Dog Breed
Some dog breeds are better at managing time alone than others. Surely you’ve done your research, but it is pertinent to understand your puppy’s characteristics. Some breeds need more attention and socialization than others, which will directly affect the way your dog responds to time alone. A few dog breeds that best manage time alone include the French Bulldog, the Maltese, and the Basset Hound.

#2. Training Your Puppy to Be Home Alone
You’ve been training your puppy since you brought him home—but the training doesn’t stop at potty breaks. From the moment you bring your new puppy home, you need to start teaching him that it’s okay to be home alone.

#3. Have a Routine
Just like humans, dogs are creatures of habit. Dogs need a consistent routine that they can rely on, such as when they can expect to be fed and exercised. Implementing a routine will not only help your dog feel more comfortable, but it will also give her the tools to handle any unexpected events that may come her way.

#4. Exercise Is Key
A great way to regulate your dog’s at-home activity is to take him out for a walk before you go. If you’re leaving for work, make sure to get a good walk around the block in before you go. And if your puppy is still learning the ins and outs of proper waking etiquette, then this is an excellent time to practice. As we’ve mentioned, every dog is different. You need to factor in your dog’s age, breed, and health to craft the right exercise schedule.

#5. Get a Comfy Dog Bed
Who doesn’t love to lounge around in a soft, comfortable bed? Your dog certainly loves it. When you leave your dog home, the most important thing you can do is to create a safe and comfortable area to which she has unlimited access. This area should have food, water, toys, and an ultra-comfy doggie bed.

#6. Keep Your Dog Entertained
A bored dog is an unhappy dog. Make sure you’re mentally stimulating your pup with fun toys to play with. Some great options include puzzles, food dispensers, and chew toys. Chew toys are excellent, especially if your puppy is still teething.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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