The reason why your dog stinks after a bath is likely.


When we bathe (humans and dogs alike), we strip natural oils from our skins. Those constant baths you’re giving your dog are removing natural oils from their skin and coat, which signals their glands to secrete even more oils, and those oils are magnets for dirt, grime, and odor-inducing bacteria.

The simple solution to why dog stinks even after a bath is to cut down on dog baths. Most dogs can get by with just a few baths a year. You might want to try a different dog shampoo, too. Look for gentler, more natural dog shampoos…something less harsh and less likely to strip the skin’s oils away. Some pet owners favor oatmeal dog shampoos. You can always ask a groomer for their professional opinion, and get a great recommendation to remove that smell from your puppy dog.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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