The followings are the four most popular ways to dry a dog after a bath


Air Drying
Before you learn how to dry dogs after a bath with air drying, you should know whether you have a dog with a short coat or a large coat, you could always let it take care of its wet coat the old-fashioned way — a hard shake and a romp around the house. The problem with this method? More than likely, your pup is going to rub its wet dog smell against your furniture or roll on your carpet. Leaving your dog outside to air dry is not recommended, as it’s likely that it will end up rolling in the grass or dirt and ruin all of your hard work.

Drying a dog after a bath with a thick bath towel is a tried-and-true method for ridding a pup’s coat of excess moisture. However, many people use towels improperly. For instance, some owners will rub their dog’s coat vigorously with one. If your pup has a thick or long coat, though, this method could lead to tangles and mats. Instead, groomers recommend that you press a towel on a wet dog’s fur to soak as much water as possible, then repeat until your pet is sufficiently dry.

A hairdryer can really speed up your pet’s drying time. However, it’s important to do the following, so you won’t accidentally burn your canine. Introducing your dog to the hairdryer should be done gradually so that it can get used to the noise and sensation of having air blown on its fur. Still, keep in mind that some dogs will never accept the use of a dryer after bath time and will put up an incredible fight to avoid it.

Quick-Drying Spray
These sprays contain products that encourage water to wick away from a dog’s coat, which, in theory, should reduce a pet’s drying time. However, some users claimed that they noticed little or no difference in drying time. If you decide to use one of these sprays, you may have to experiment with the amount you apply to better ensure you get the best results.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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