The Elder Scrolls Online Update 41 and the Scions of Ithelia DLC have been released on PC and Mac.


Update 41 for the base game is about improvements, new additions, and balance. There are new armor sets, antiquities, collectibles, and furnishings. Unified Repair kits are here, simplifying portable gear repair. Cyrodiil siege weaponry can also be stacked if at max health.

The tutorial will now limit new accounts to the portal corresponding to their alliance at first (access to all will come later). This is similar to how the ESO team limited access to certain quest givers until a certain level to make the early game less busy. This patch also increases minimum specs and graphics space, and drops Windows 7 for future updates.

Update 41 also begins laying the groundwork for future content, including the addition of Scribing. The combat updates in the patch are mostly improvement-oriented, improving taunt, status effects, and helping some under-used styles and abilities get a bit more viable. Status effects are a highlight, since most got functionality tweaks.


Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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