Summer is a great time to bring your pup along on some of your outings.


Exploring new trails is one of the best things to do with your dog in the summer.

Does your dog love the water? Then it’s time to search out a pet-friendly beach where your pup can swim in the surf and romp on the sand with his fellow salty dogs.

When the weather is nice, make sure to enjoy a yappy hour or a leisurely dinner at a restaurant with a dog-friendly patio. It’s also fun to stop and explore any islands or sand bars you might encounter while kayaking with your dog.

Ever get bored of doing the same old thing all the time? Your dog probably does, too. This summer, why not plan a special vacation for the two of you?

Purchasing a cheap plastic pool for your pooch is an excellent investment, especially if there aren’t many places to take dogs swimming near your home. On a hot summer day, a kiddie pool can be a fast and easy way for your hot dog to cool down.

Below are some ideas for indoor activities for dogs on hot days;

Teach your pooch some new tricks or make them brush their older ones.
You can also set up a puzzle and make them find their food through their strong sense of smell, like a tricky treat.
You can also give them some tasks, numerous active dog breeds love to do work for their owner.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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