Star Trek Online is celebrating First Contact Day once again on PC and console.



Team up with Seven-of-Nine to investigate an altered timeline, where the Borg have changed something to make sure they prevent the historic meeting between Earth and Vulcan that is still celebrated. The Borg were stopped before, leading to the meeting, but now they’ve changed something.

Or, take on the Synth Wave Task Force Operation or work to assemble a rocket in the Phoenix Rocket Launch competition. For the TFO, work with a team to determine the fate of Utopia Planitia. The Synths on Mars rebel, and you’ll get to team up and fight in orbit above Mars, working to do what you can before being overrun. Building that rocket will take some time to gather parts, figure out what goes where, and assemble the rocket under the Dr. Cochraine statue.

Pick from 17 comm badges to unlock. Even the Star Trek Online veterans may not have collected them all just yet. Rack up the daily Progress with event completion, and after 14 days, you can claim the grand prize for the event. This includes a Photon Burst rifle, based on the one from Elite Force, and a First Contact Day bundle, with:

1x Captain Specialization Point (cannot reclaim)
25,000 Dilithium Ore (cannot reclaim)
“Launch Toy Rocket” Social Device (Account Unlock)
Holo-Emitter – Phoenix Shuttle (Account Unlock)
The in-game event begins on April 11th at 8:00 a.m PT and runs through May 2nd at 12:00 p.m. PT.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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