Should You Shave Your Dog in the Summer: Yay or Nay?



The answer to that question depends on numerous factors. Dogs that don’t shed, such as poodles, require regular clipping.

Hard-coated terriers are also clipped — though they can be hand-stripped, as well — to remove old and dying hair. As for other breeds, most experts strongly recommend that you never shave your dog for the summer.

Other reasons why you should not shave your dog in the summer:

Shaving a dog’s coat exposes its skin to the sun, which could result in sunburns and even skin cancer. Once shaved, a dog’s double coat may grow back with a different texture and could appear faded. Shaving the undercoat will also cause it to regrow thicker and warmer than before, which will make your pup even more uncomfortable.

Will Shaving My Dog Help With Shedding? Some owners believe that if they shave their dogs before summer, they won’t have to contend with it shedding all over their homes. Shaving, however, won’t change the number of hairs that will fall off your dog. It just means that your canine will shed shorter hairs.

Can you shave a dog with human clippers? You could try, but human clippers have different teeth than those built to work on dogs. It’s very likely that your human clippers will jam if you try to use them to clip your pup.

Keep Them Cool
While it’s not advisable to shave a dog for the summer, you can help it stay cool with the following suggestions:

Brush and wash your dog frequently during the summer months. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, clean fur that is free of mats allows for better air circulation. It’s also important to dry your dog thoroughly, as wet fur can lead to skin infections.
Never leave your dog in a car.
Keep your canine indoors, in a climate-controlled condition, during the heat of the day. Exercise your pup early in the morning or in the evening.
While it may be hard to imagine going through the summer wearing a fur coat, it’s perfectly fine for your dog.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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