Rising to the Challenge: A Heroine’s Legacy


Once Upon a Time in Aliahan

Years ago, a hero named Ortega left his wife and child to confront the dreaded archfiend, Baramos. Alas, his quest ended in failure, and the darkness that Baramos cast over the world remains unchallenged to this day. But as the winds of fate would have it, all is not lost!

The Call to Adventure

On the memorable day of his sweet sixteen, Ortega’s only child receives a summons from none other than the king of Aliahan. Imagine the bewilderment—it’s not every day you find your life turned upside down by royalty! Armed with the knowledge of her father’s fateful journey, she is tasked with a mission of the highest import: to vanquish Baramos and reclaim what was lost. Talk about pressure!

A Hero’s Journey Begins

Despite the daunting legacy she inherits, our young hero stands resolved. The echoes of Ortega’s failure linger, but they will not define her. Instead, she takes a deep breath and embraces her destiny with a mix of determination and just the right sprinkle of humor. She may not have a map, but she’s got something far more valuable—heart, courage, and a sense of adventure that could rival any hero before her.

Will she succeed where her father could not? Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, though: the world is about to witness the rise of a new champion. Buckle up, folks, it’s going to be an epic ride!

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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