Recently Naughty Dog dropped a documentary on the making of The Last of Us Part II.


Titled Grounded II, the doc is a sequel to an earlier documentary released for The Last of Us in 2014.

The doc didn’t provide any further details on a potential third chapter of the game, but we do know that Naughty Dog is working on a number of ‘brand new’ titles. With TLoU3 perhaps just in the early concept stages it may be some time before we see anything substantial there.

In the meantime, players can jump into The Last of Us Part II: Remastered, which released for the PlayStation 5 last month. The remaster includes a number of improvements and graphics updates, unfinished ‘Lost Levels’ levels with developer commentary tracks, Guitar Free Play mode, and even a roguelite ‘No Return’ game mode.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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