Reasons Why Your Dog Eats Grass and When to Worry




Why Is My Dog Eating Grass?
Your grass-munching canine might have you raising your eyebrows. Are they sick? Are they trying to make themselves vomit? Are they eating it out of instinct?

Should My Dog Eat Grass?
Even though eating grass isn’t a huge risk, it’s still a risk. The biggest risk factor is harmful pesticides. Pesticides can poison dogs and cause them to excessively salivate, vomit, have diarrhea, or lose their appetite altogether.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Grass?
It’s hard to avoid grass full-stop, but there are a few steps you can take to stop your dog from eating grass. Start by avoiding grassy areas if possible, and only take your dog out for a walk or playtime after he or she has already had a meal.

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When bathtime beckons, it’s important to be equipped with an ultra-absorbent towel.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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