Preorder Early Access Opens and Ubisoft Shares Open Beta Stats


Skull and Bones, if you’ve been following things for any length of time, there were numerous delays and some shifts in direction. With that development history behind them, Ubisoft Singapore is goiing to open the Indian Ocean for those with the preorder early start. For those jumping into the game, there should also be even more of a head start from data saved from open beta, if they participated.

As for that open beta, the first to reach the beta cap Infamy cap of Brigand was a player called Oldfaux. The captain with the most PvP kills was someone called Lordiee, though they don’t say how many kills were enough for that recognition. Collectively, there were 14,920,525 km sailed during the 3-day open beta, which the team notes translates would be more than 370 times sailing around the world.

During this time, 44 million ships were sunk. and 180,351 pirates found themselves eaten by sea monsters. Skull and Bones will be released for everyone else on February 16th.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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