Pearl Abyss: adds a new improved pity system to Black Desert



Pearl Abyss has added an unfortunately overdue system upgrade to Black Desert Online via an update that adds the “Ancient Anvil” system .

Now, when players enhance their items, a failure will create ‘Agris Essence’ in the related item. Once a “certain amount” of these essences has been accumulated in an item, the anvil will become active and ensure the next upgrade on that item will be successful. This essence will accumulate in individual accessory items, but weapons and armor will share the same pool depending on pre-assigned pools determined by the developer.

The developer has also launched the J’s Hammer of Precision event, allowing players to craft without failure through November 27. One could argue that these initiatives are overdue. long term, but players will certainly appreciate the savings in frustration and resources long term with the Ancient Anvil system and at least for most of 2024 with this latest event.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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