Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Dives into Seasons


Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is introducing its new seasonal model, where all backers can get at least some time in the test build, on February 17th.

Creative Director Chris “Joppa” Perkins sat down with Ben Dean, communications director, to answer community questions and give more details. When the first season, “Into the Pass” opens, everyone who does have access will start fresh because there will be a server wipe, and Terminus will expand with overland regions of Avendyr’s Pass becoming accessible.

The first Season will run from February 17th through March 29th for VIP access backers. Champion access backers will get access from March 16th through March 29th. Supporter access backers get to jump in from March 23rd through March 29th. The visual NDA will be in place for a while.

Visionary Realms plans to continue adding new content and improvements around every 6 weeks. This will mean new biomes, new content, and with this six-week release cadence, they’re also planning to add more playable areas.

As for future wipes, those are on the table, but they’ll decide on those based on how a season goes.

Deciding to go to this seasonal model and increase the number of playtest opportunities is a huge change. The team will offer more opportunities for the community to ask questions about all things seasons. The original version of this referred to the Visionary Realms team as Vicarious Visions, which is now known as Blizzard Albany.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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