Overwatch 2 Developers Address Tank Fragility and Upcoming Balance Changes



Blizzard has recently acknowledged that tanks in Overwatch 2 feel less resilient than players expect. In their latest director’s take, the developers have detailed their plans to address this issue with a series of balance changes aimed at improving the tank role.

Player Feedback and Developer Insights

According to Blizzard, the community has been vocal about the perceived fragility of tanks. This feedback aligns with in-house data showing that tank heroes experience more deaths than intended. The role of a tank is to withstand significant damage, but since the end of Season 8, they have been struggling to fulfill this purpose effectively.

Previous Changes and Future Plans

Blizzard has made several changes in past seasons, such as reducing headshot damage and knockback effects on tanks. However, they agree that more work is needed. Rather than implementing broad changes affecting all tank heroes, they plan to introduce specific updates for each hero. For example, Reinhardt’s shield will receive a health boost to enhance his durability.

Comparison with Damage Heroes

Another point of discussion in the director’s take was the win rates of damage-dealing heroes compared to tanks. Damage heroes like Pharah have a win rate of around 58%, while tanks generally have a win rate between 50-55%. This indicates that no single tank hero is overwhelmingly powerful, but there is room for improvement to make them more competitive.


Blizzard’s commitment to addressing the fragility of tanks in Overwatch 2 is a positive step towards balancing the game. By focusing on individual adjustments rather than broad changes, they aim to create a more resilient and effective tank role that aligns with player expectations and in-house analytics.

Sergio P. Wright
Sergio P. Wright
52 Thornton St HUTTON CA11 2UR

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