New World: Reveals All 100 Season Pass Rewards



New World’s Season of the Guardian is back on track with a new release date, and now the team has revealed the reward tracks you could pursue on both Season Pass tiers.

The season is coming April 2nd, so there’s just a few more days to prepare. Continuing the team’s reward improvements and transparency, we now know that Season 5 could net you new skins, new seasonal emotes, Marks of Fortune, and new Artifacts. The free track is open to all, and still includes two new Artifacts, the Creed Boots at level 20 and the Phoenix Amulet at level 80.

Since it is possible to see just what you’ll get from all 100 levels of the season pass, it’s easy to make your decision if you want to spring for the premium pass or not.

The new season is coming soon, so now’s the time to plot out whether the free or premium tracks are right for you.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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