New Game: Coming to Spider Man 2 Next Month



Spider-Man 2 launched to critical acclaim late last year, but fans have been itching to play through the game in New Game+ with all of their unlocks and abilities. Insomniac initially suggested that New Game+ would make it into the game before year’s end but that option has been significantly delayed, now set to arrive on March 7.

But Insomniac is touting a number of additional features, including the ability to change the game’s time of day, customize tendril colors when using symbiote abilities, and replay certain missions. The update will also add a number of new, but unspecified suits for players to unlock.

Official announcements regarding future updates, including potential DLC, haven’t been made yet, but leaks have pointed to a Lady Beetle DLC as something that might be in the works.

Spider- Man 2 is available now on the PlayStation 5.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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