Modern Warfare 3 to Feature Two Classic Weapons of the Past



Fans are eagerly waiting to know details of the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. A recent leak by a data miner indicates that the game will feature the Kar98k and SPAS-12 iconic weapons.

Following this reveal, there have been speculations that the codenames refer to the Kar98k and SPAS-12 weapons that were found in earlier versions of the game after which they were not to be found for a long

time.Last Appearance of Kar98k and SPAS-12

Both iconic weapons have made their presence in several Call of Duty titles. The Kar98k became popular in Call of Duty 2 and was last spotted in Vanguard. On the other hand, the SPAS-12 was not to be found after its availability in the Black Ops Cold War title.

Other Codenamed Weapons

The data miner has found other codenamed weapons like the pcharlie 9 and the kpappa50. The pcharlie9 weapon is hinted to be the P90 or the PC9 Carbine while the kpappa50 weapon could refer to the Keltec P50.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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