Minecraft 1.21: Mojang Unveils Five New Paintings



The new Minecraft 1.21 update has also brought fixes for bugs and introduced players to a plethora of fresh content.

While Mojang has been rolling out a lot of fresh content from its end, fans have also been requesting for many things to be added to the game. The game had featured some paintings but fans wanted some new ones to be added. Through the Minecraft 1.21 update, the gaming studio has introduced players to five new paintings.

Players use paintings to lend a homely feel to the base. One just needs a handful of items to put together a painting. Earlier, the game had 26 paintings which used to be generated randomly. With the addition of five new paintings, the total number has now grown to 31

The five new paintings, which have been added to the game via Update 1.21, are titled Humble, Unpacked, Prairie Ride, Meditative and Baroque. All these paintings have been credited to Sarah Boeving, who works as a residential artist at Mojang Studios.

Along with launching these new paintings, update 1.21 has also fixed some bugs in the game. This is, undoubtedly, the most important update to have been rolled out to the game in a long time

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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