Ideas for Cold-Weather Pet Fun


Ideas for Cold-Weather Pet Fun

“Play Games, All Sorts”
That’s more than just a line from Mary Poppins…games are a good way to entertain dogs during the cold, dark days of winter. A rousing round of hide-and-seek or fetch is sure to cure those doggy doldrums.
Visit a Dog Park
Even when it’s cold and gray outside, your dogs can enjoy a playful run at the dog park. While some dog parks close after dark, others remain open in the evening.
Tricky Treats
Those treat-dispensing dog toys are a great way to keep your dog entertained for hours winter, spring, summer or fall. Simply insert your pup’s favorite treat or dry food into the treat ball and watch as your furry friends try to solve the puzzle.

Hire a Dog Walker
Pets need love and exercise all year, regardless of the weather. If your work schedule keeps you away from the house for long periods of time, hire a dog walker to help your pets get exercise and TLC during the day.

Schedule an Indoor Puppy Play Date
Okay, hear us out on this one. While the idea of a gaggle of dogs in your house may sound like a carpet-cleaning bill waiting to happen, inviting your doggie friends over gives your pups a chance to socialize and gives you an excuse for a game night with friends.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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