Insulating Dog Coats and Apparel. Keep your dog warm and protected with dog coats, rain jackets, and other insulating dog apparel. Small dogs, dogs with short hair, puppies, and senior dogs have most difficulty controlling body heat and are in extra need of layers during the cold weather months.

Protective Paw Covers. When it snows, consider using boots or some kind of protective paw cover. One option is PawZ by Top Paw – these rubber slip-on booties prevent paws from getting too cold and full of snow. They also prevent sidewalk salt from getting stuck in the paws. You can find PawZ on,,

Limit Time Outside. On particularly freezing cold days, shorten the length of walks and encourage more indoor exercise like fetch, tug-of-war, and even hide-and-go-seek.

Winter Grooming. Any time your dog is wet, dry him or her thoroughly with a towel. Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to chills and illness if they stay cold and damp for too long. If your dog refuses to wear booties outside in the snow, consider leaving a warm bowl of water by your front door.

Keep Warm Indoors. Insulating bedding will help keep your dog warm when temperatures drop at night. If indoor temperatures remain cold during the day, use a non-restrictive dog hoodie or soft and comfortable dog coat like our Reversible Puffer Winter Dog Coat.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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