How Old Should a Puppy be Before Bath Time?



A cautious veterinarian will tell you that four months is how old a puppy should be before bathing. This is because the puppy should be finished with its vaccine schedule by then.

Giving a puppy a bath where it is fully or partially submerged in water before then can cause them to get cold. Puppies can get so cold that they get hypothermia and possibly distemper as well.

If your puppy contracts distemper before it gets all its vaccines, its immune system will be weakened. This weakened immune system is bad news for puppies since their immune systems are weak and undeveloped as it is.


What’s more, is that distemper can cause a delay in your puppy’s vaccine schedule, making it susceptible to other preventable diseases for an unnecessary period of time.

Meanwhile, your newborn puppy will have to fight off a disease that will require more trips to the vet and even more specialized care.

Also, bathing your puppy a lot and at an age while it’s so delicate can disturb the balance of skin oils that your puppy needs to maintain its coat.

Completely submerging your puppy is also risky because it can get water in its ears, which can be difficult for new pet owners to get out.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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