How do I know if my dog is dehydrated?


How do I know if my dog is dehydrated?

There are some key clinical signs of dehydration such as excessive panting, a dry nose or gums, loss of elasticity of skin/coat, tired/sluggish behaviour, and in worse cases your dog can become uncoordinated as if they are drunk.

Remember: If you can’t get your pet to drink, a visit to your vet might be needed where they will be able to rehydrate them with intravenous fluids.

How is dehydration treated?
Dogs suffering from mild dehydration can be treated with small amounts of water every few minutes, making sure they don’t drink too much too quickly as it could cause them to vomit. In more severe cases, they’re likely to need intravenous treatment by a vet to rehydrate them.

It’s critical that your dog receives immediate care if they’re dehydrated so be sure to contact the nearest vet for medical advice as soon as you recognise the symptoms.

How to keep your pet safe on summer days?
I live in the Alps and spend some big days in the mountains with Mac. I am lucky that there a lot of water troughs dotted around so on hot days I will plan a route where I know there will be a water source every 20-30min. Mac will be able to cool down and have a drink and I generally let him do that for 5-10 minutes or let him decide when he is ready to keep going

I will also always pack extra water for Mac in my backpack, especially when I don’t know the route very well. On hot days I will stay in the forests for more shade to keep Mac cool. On return I will make sure he has plenty of fresh water, a cool place to lay down, constantly monitor how much he is drinking, and if I have any doubts, I will add water to his food.

Randee J. Ramos
Randee J. Ramos
Karafiátova 1878 798 41 Kostelec na Hané

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