Grooming and Safety Tips



Why Overwashing Your Dog Is Bad
In the months where your dog is playing outside more and is more likely to get dirty, it can be tempting to wash them more frequently.

As tempting as it can be to want to wash your dog a few times a week in the summer, it can cause them more harm than good. Simply rinsing your dog off with water after getting muddy outside is okay to do, however, shampooing too frequently can cause their body’s natural oils to be stripped away. Overwashing can also lead to dry skin, especially when using products that have harsh ingredients. However, choosing bathing products made from quality ingredients allow for a safer and more effective dog-washing experience.

Using Baby Shampoo for Dogs.
Whether or not you can use baby shampoo on dogs or can i use baby shampoo on my dog is a common question that dog owners ask. Baby shampoos can be found at drugstores and big-box retailers for an affordable price, ranging from $4 to $12 depending on the brand. Baby shampoos are a great option to use when washing your dog as they are made with mild and tear-free ingredients that won’t cause your dog’s oils to be stripped away.

Baby Shampoo for Dogs Must-Haves:
Baby Shampoo for Dogs Must-Avoids:
Added Unnatural Ingredients
Ingredients You Can’t Pronounce
When choosing a baby shampoo for dogs, select one that has a small ingredients list and includes ingredients that you can pronounce such as coconut oil, olive oil, and chamomile essence.

How to Wash Your Dog
After you have found a good baby shampoo for dogs to use, it’s time to wash your dog.

-Start by brushing your dog’s fur. Brushing prior to washing will ensure that that baby shampoo for dogs gets into your puppy’s fur.
-Turn on the water in your tub or hose, and make sure the water pressure is low and the temperature is lukewarm.
-Fully saturate your dog’s coat, making sure that every bit of dog fur is wet.
-Using the baby shampoo for dogs, massage the shampoo into your dog’s fur being careful to avoid their eyes and inside of their ears.
-Let the baby shampoo for dogs sit on their coat for a few minutes prior to rinsing.
-After letting the baby shampoo for dogs sit, thoroughly rinse your dog off making sure that there is no leftover shampoo on their body. Leftover shampoo can cause dryness and irritation to your dog’s skin.
-Now it’s time to dry. After getting wet, dogs like to shake their bodies to dry off.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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