Easy Ways to Care for Dogs with Sensitive Tummies



1. Keep Your Dog Hydrated
Make sure your furry friend stays hydrated throughout the day, just like food, give them fresh drinking water at different times, especially before the meals for detoxification. An upset tummy can lead to diarrhea, which further contributes to dehydration, and loss of essential electrolytes.

2. Goat’s Milk
The milk of goats contains proteins, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes, and fatty acids; all help in promoting good gut health. It improves the digestive system, helps the stomach to settle, and prepares them for a new raw diet.

The milk of goats helps in improving the balance between the harmful and good bacteria, and digestion as a whole. Goat milk is also high in potassium, which makes it a natural antacid for dogs. It helps dogs gut to achieve the right pH level throughout its digestive system.

3. Dry Food
The fundamental difference between dry & wet food is water content. While, the dry food has 3 to 12% water content, compared to 60 to 80% in wet food. The considerable difference impacts the digestive system of dogs. Dry foods such as Ultamino dry dog food are much lighter on the stomach and easy to digest. Due to high-energy content, such foods need to be served only in small quantities.

4. Intermittent Fasting for Dogs
If your dog has a tendency of an upset tummy, then try the intermittent fasting technique for a couple of days, until their digestive system improves. Intermittent fasting for 12 hours provides great relief to dogs.

5. Canned Pumpkin
Canned pumpkin, a fiber-rich veggie is a perfect natural remedy for dogs with sensitive tummies. Make sure the pumpkin you serve is pure, with no extra species. The pumpkin has an abundance of soluble fiber, which soothes irritated bowel movements. Further, the soluble fiber causes the delay of the GI tract transit time, therefore calming the digestive tract to avoid diarrhea.

Pumpkin is also a great source of potassium, which is something your pet may lose from diarrhea. Low potassium can the body can cause weakness, heart rate irregularities, pains, fatigue, and many other health problems.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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