Easy Cleaning Tips for Multi Dog Homes


Dogs live in their own carefree world. But as buoyant as your dog is, they don’t understand that they’re leaving behind fur and other debris.

Put a Towel Down

If your dogs have designated lounge areas, laying a towel down is a quick and simple fix. The Absorber® Max provides maximum coverage to keep pet hair at bay. It’s super soft and comfortableplus, your dog’s hair will shake right off.

Keep a Container of Water Near Your Door

Many dogs love the great outdoors. The only problem is that your dog can track in mud and other debris from their afternoon romp in the yard. If this sounds like your pooch, try placing a shallow container of water in front of the door your dog uses to enter and exit.

Clean Any Stains Immediately

Stains are increasingly hard to remove the longer they’re left alone. Make sure you’re cleaning up any stains as soon as you see them. You may also think about how to keep the house clean with dogs and remove their unwanted stains.

Use a Mat Under Their Food & Water Bowls

If your dogs are like most dogs, then they’re probably pretty enthusiastic about their food and water bowls. Kibble and water starts flying all over the place and before you know it, your floor is wet and filthy. A simple mat will solve this issue.
Trim Your Dog’s Nails Regularly. Dogs will notoriously scratch the surfaces of your furniture, walls, and doors if you’re not keeping up on regular nail trims.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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