Capcom released a new trailer for Dragon’s Dogma 2 this week

The Fighter doesn’t look to be a significant departure from the original Dragon’s Dogma. Players will still be parrying, taunting, and stabbing enemies. One new wrinkle looks to be the ability to counter-attack enemies with a shield bash, which can then connect into a combo.

One major difference between the two games is that players can locate various Maisters and learn new skills. Lennart, the Fighter Maister, should offer Fighters some additional capabilities, but Capcom has yet to show them off.

Last week, Capcom showed off the Warfarer Vocation, an interesting jack-of-all-trades that can use abilities and weapons from other Vocations, with the trade-off being its lower base stats.

The PlayStation blog had the following to say about the Warfarer: Dragon’s Dogma 2 arrives March 22 on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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