Bloodlines 2’s “visceral immersive combat”


The “visceral, immersive” combat of Vampire: the Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is in focus in a new blog released by Paradox Interactive and developer The Chinese Room.

Bloodlines 2 kicked off its dev diary with project director Alex Skidmore discussing the game’s first pillar which is focused on nailing the feeling of being a Vampire. This latest blog update gives us a deeper look at what’s going into the game’s action combat systems.

The Strategic Stalker is all about staying in the shadows and ambushing your foes, something anyone familiar with vampire fantasy should easily grok. Players who are fans of games like Dishonored or who inevitably end up playing the tried-and-true stealth archer with every Elder Scrolls game release will be right at home with this style of play. Bloodlines 2 will offer players who appreciate this style the ability to plan their attacks, sneak up on enemies, engage in hit-and-run tactics and more.

The Action Brawler is pretty straight forward. This is for the type of player who just likes to jump in there and mix it up. Alex notes that while all of the playable clans in the game can get into melee fights, the Brujah are best suited for this playstyle. We should expect to see more on this in the game’s planned January gameplay reveal.

The Narrative Adventurer is a style of play TCR expects players of the original Bloodlines and those more familiar with TCR’s previous games to fall into. These players are focused more on the story, narrative and exploration. To that end, Bloodlines 2 will offer ways for players to engage with combat without diving too deep into its mechanics if they want to just focus on the story.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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