Sky: Children of the Light Announces In-Person



Sky: Children of the Light will finally land on PC next Wednesday, April 10th. The Sky team is also announcing plans to mark the game’s fifth anniversary, with their first in-person and in-game event, SkyFest.

SkyFest will take place in person in two places-China, run by NetEase, and Tokyo, run by thatgamecompany itself.

The team announced details on the event taking place in Tokyo along with some of what we can expect in-game.

The event will require tickets, but some part of it will be open to the public, with more details to be announced later.

As for the in-game portion of the event, SkyFest will take place in the game as well. If you were part of the community at the time of the AURORA concert, you might remember that sort of event. However, with PC players joining next week, and multiplatform access all over, the 5th anniversary event will likely be new to many.

Karol J. Jones
Karol J. Jones
4993 Laurel Lee Kansas City, MO 64106

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