Why do dogs get zoomies?


Why do dogs get zoomies?
Referred to by some as ‘the mad half hour’, zoomies are simply a way for our loveable hounds to let off some steam and release any pent-up energy. Very common in young puppies, in particular, zoomies most commonly kick in after a bath, in the evening, or during play.

Do the zoomies mean that my dog is happy?
A case of zoomies can mean many things – but, more often than not, they’re nothing to worry about. They’re very common and completely ordinary. In most cases, zoomies are brought on due to excitement caused by a high-energy state. For example, they could occur when you come home from a long trip and they’ve missed having you at home, when they wake up after a long sleep or have just been overstimulated during the day.

Are zoomies bad or dangerous?
The short answer is no – zoomies aren’t harmful. They’re normal. However, to stay on the safe side, it’s worth assessing the space in which your dog may get zoomies. For example, if you’re out on a walk and your dog is off the lead, please be mindful of zoomies as they may cause a hard-to-control situation. If your dog often gets zoomies whilst out and about, try not to chase after them as they may be encouraged to run away! Instead, try carrying around treats as a form of bargaining and invest in a long, flexible lead.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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