Player Experience is Central to Design of Ghost



When it comes to the big ideas, Street says that starting without too many constraints at first was the approach. While what they’re building won’t rely on large-scale battles, using that concept led to a discussion around how they’ve worked at Fantastic Pixel Castle. He says sometimes, just asking is the right approach.

“Hey, if I want to have combat with 500 characters at once…what do we have to keep in mind?” is the example question he asks. Since it is a collaborative effort, there needs to also be a balance between the creative team’s ideas and the tech team’s capabilities. It creates a negotiation process.

What they are focused on is providing a seamless player experience, whether you are killing one goblin or progressing all the way up to a world boss. And maybe a huge battle.

They are building the environment around the experience, including the use of procedural generation to make the world more dynamic.

While any detailed reveals on Ghost are yet to come, we do get details and insight into how they’re approaching their game, and emphasis on how the depth of player experience and choice are primary in their approach.


Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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