5 fun activities for pets & children in the holidays

# Develop pet ownership responsibility skills
Without the stresses associated with the school-run, the holidays can be a perfect time to help teach your children how to be responsible pet parents.

While your children have time off school, it can be a good idea to ease them into taking ownership of some of the tasks that come with owning a pet. Whether it’s planning the daily dog walk route, letting your cat outside (if they’re the outdoors type), or creating a meal-time schedule and ensuring the pets are fed and watered, every pet care task gives them a chance to learn important life skills.

# Set up scent games for pets
Providing your pet with lots of enrichment can help keep them entertained all day.

The key to keeping our furry friends happy (and hopefully keep mischief-makers out of trouble) is mental stimulation – especially for breeds who are a bit more excitable.

You could even have a go at making some other forms of fun and rewarding challenges that encourage your pet to work for their treats. Why not take a shoebox and fill it with toilet roll tubes and ripped up paper with tasty goodies hidden throughout, and let them hunt through to find them? This is a great mentally enriching activity using a variety of senses and can help keep the kids busy, too.”

#Get baking for a pet tea party
Finding an activity that can be enjoyed by both children and pets can be a challenge. Luckily, there are some great pet and child-friendly activities you can set up at home.

Just make sure you don’t mix up human and pet treats – especially if the human treats include chocolate, which can be dangerous for pets.”

#Paw print arts and crafts
Did you know arts and crafts activities can include your furry family members, too?

# Enjoy a pet picnic
As you’re winding down for the weekend, make the most of quality time together.
This can also be done indoors as a carpet picnic, if your cat cannot be outside. Grab a blanket, some of your favourite human and pet-friendly food, drinks, and games, and spend some time bonding.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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