Reasons why your cat sleeps on you


If one of those habits is to make oneself comfortable on your chest, stomach, or lap and have a power nap, then you may be questioning why. Here, we look at the main reasons why your cat sleeps on you.

Feels safe and secure
If your cat is sleeping pressed up against you, it may be because it feels secure next to you and wants to let you know it feels safe. If they feel safe, they’re more likely to let their guard down and relax.

Wants to bond with you and show affection
Once cats have bonded with you, they can be incredibly affectionate and enjoy being as close to you as possible – especially when they’re tired. If your cat is sleeping on you, it’s because they feel comfortable in your presence.

Wants to feel warm
Just as humans cuddle up together for warmth, cats also like to get in on the action and enjoy some of that natural human body heat. Other popular warm spots for cats include a sunny spot, windowsill, or by a radiator, but who can beat cosying up next to your loving owner.

Being territorial
They may look cute and cuddly, but cats can be very territorial animals, releasing pheromones produced by their scent glands to claim their territory. So, when they’re pressed up against you on the sofa and rubbing their body on yours, they’re actually marking their scent on you. But don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

Feels like being social
Cats are social sleepers and like to sleep next to other cats and siblings. If this isn’t an option, then you involuntarily step up to the plate. If a cat is sleeping on your chest, it’s likely because it enjoys the sound of your beating heart and feels safe.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennison
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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