3 Tips for Taking Your Pup to the Beach



#1.Have a Plan
It can be difficult to find a dog-friendly beach, but it’s definitely not impossible! We recommend that you do some investigation before packing up the car and heading to your closest beach. You will want to make sure that you fully understand the rules of the beach you are headed to. Keep in mind that if you are looking for a beach where your dog can roam without a leash, you may need to increase your travel time and go to a beach further than you anticipated.

#2. Speaking of Packing Lists
Making sure you are prepared for your trip is essential to ensure you can maximize your time and have a great experience.

Fresh drinking water
A dish for your dog to drink from
A beach umbrella or tent for shade from the sun
A dog blanket or towels
Sunscreen for you, and canine sunscreen
Canine life vest
Baggies for cleanup
Food and treats
Toys that are waterproof and floating
A doggy first aid kit
Dog Lover’s Towel
This list of suggested items can really help to make your beach trip smooth and worry-free!

#3.Beach Safety
You probably know by now that your dog loves to explore! With so many people, smells, and places to roam, the beach can be the most exciting place to be for your dog.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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