7 Tips how do I know my cat loves me?


We’re sharing several subtle signs that your cat loves you, to help you recognise both the direct and indirect ways your cat can communicate their feelings…

#Slow blinking at you
Some say that ‘eyes are windows to the soul’ – and that statement is true of our feline friends, too!

If you’ve ever noticed your cat staring at you while slowly closing and opening their eyes, that’s their way of letting you know they trust you. Through slow blinking, your cat is telling you that they no longer feel the need to ‘watch out’, in case you were to do something to frighten them.

# Snuggling with you while they sleep
Since sleep plays such a significant role in our cats’ lives, they only tend to choose spaces in which they feel safe to have a snooze. Should your cat choose to nap on your lap or snuggle on the sofa, that’s a sure sign they love you!

#Rolling over to greet you
Another signal of trust is when your cat rolls over as you return home. Through exposing their tummy to you, your kitty is conveying that they’re excited you’re back and seeing you is something they’ve been looking forward to all day.

# Kitty kisses
Grooming their littermates when they were a kitten was your cat’s natural approach to learning about affection. Then, as they got older, licking other feline friends in their social group became something your cat would do to share their scent with those they care about.

# Head boops
Also known as ‘headbutting’ or ‘head bumps’, having your cat rub their head or cheek against you is another way of transferring their scent. Spreading their scent around you is like a megaphone message from your cat to others, informing the world that you are their family.

# ‘Making biscuits’
Kneading, or ‘making biscuits’, is the term used for a habit your cat picked up as a kitten, when they’d stimulate the flow of their mother’s milk. Your feline friend may knead at your knees while settled on your lap because they’re rekindling the sort of connection they once shared with their mother.

# Following you around
Whether they’re an independent character or they’re more of a clingy kitty, if you notice your feline friend follows you around, that’s a sign they adore your company.

Vanda J. Dennison
Vanda J. Dennisonhttps://azhotdeal.com
88 Whitchurch Road ELSTON NG23 8WY

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